Wednesday, 07 March 2007

Jeep's Comic Book Competition Seeks Consumer Buzz

In an attempt be more appealing to a younger more environment-conscious consumer, DaimlerChrysler have systematically been rolling out smaller and smaller models in their Jeep range over the past few years. Their latest and cheapest model, the Jeep Patriot, is using some web 2.0 thinking to generate buzz: DaimlerChrysler are asking fans to create a comic book that features the car, if not as the hero, as a key character in the storyline. How’s that for leveraging user generated content?

Together with Marvel Comics, of Spider-Man and X-Men fame, Jeep is inviting budding comic authors to enter “The Patriot Factor” competition and submit story lines for the pending comic book. Marvel’s artists have jump-started the project, posting the first few pages at

Jeep’s ad agency, Organic, believes that the consumer-generated content approach will help them get exposure in their target demographic which is younger, male, first-time car buyers. They are also pushing the Patriot through social networks and video games, though there is as yet no mention of making it available in Second Life, the virtual world now so popular with marketers. (GM’s Pontiac, Toyota’s Scion, and Nissan’s Sentra have been selling virtual cars there for some time).

The winning entries will get author credits in actual comic books to be drawn and published by Marvel later in the year.

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